Two locations:
117 W Maumee St
Adrian, MI 49221
(517) 263-2947

9508 Stephenson Rd
Onsted, MI 49265
(517) 467-2425

Dress code for Creative Kinder classes: Pink leotard, pink tights, and pink shoes. Hair pulled up and out of the face. Pink skirt is optional

Harper, RaeLynn, and Louella are in class, stretching their legs in a back arabesque and working their abs just like the big dancers do.

Creative Kinder
Creative Kinder: This class is for ages 3-5 who are able to be in a class without an adult. Children are introduced to dance movement with songs, exciting music, games and props. Basic elements of Ballet, Tap and Acrobatic are introduced.

Using scarves, pom-poms, and other props, the Kinder dancers express themselves in creative ways. They can use the scarf to make a soft pillow, toss them in the air and watch them float down, or drape them over their shoulders like a shawl or floating behind like a cape.